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Certified Organic Products: A Guarantee of Life and Environmental Respect. At Bella Canis, we believe in the power of nature's balance and unique blend of natural ingredients. That's why we are committed to offering certified organic products.

When it comes to cosmetic products, opting for certified organic is a smart choice. Our certified organic cosmetics are free from substances that contribute to chemical and environmental pollution, such as agricultural pesticides, artificial fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, and more.

Unlike traditional cosmetics, which often rely on artificial molecules derived from petroleum oil for cost-cutting purposes, our organic products prioritize the planting, harvesting, and extraction of active ingredients from plants. We understand that this process may be more costly, but it ensures that you receive the true essence of nature's creations, as nature intended. These vital components play essential roles in guaranteeing a healthy and harmonious assimilation, benefiting both you and the environment. Additionally, by choosing certified organic, you contribute to reducing the waste and garbage generated during production, minimizing the environmental impact associated with conventional cosmetics. Choose Bella Canis for authentic, organic products that respect your well-being and our planet.

Certified organic cosmetics are personal care products derived from certified organic agricultural sources. They are designed to be compatible with the organic structure of all living beings, including humans and animals. These products are created through a production process that utilizes organic farming outputs to produce active ingredients.

While some products may claim to be "organic," it's important to look for a certification logo to ensure that they meet Organic Standards. Recognized certifications such as COSMOS ORGANIC, USDA ORGANIC, ECOCERT, COSMEBIO, IMO, ICEA, and others have established organic product standards worldwide. Certified products bear the logo of the certification body and/or a unique certificate number, providing assurance of their organic status.

If a cosmetic product lacks certification, it becomes unclear whether it can truly be classified as organic. It is essential to look for the appropriate certification to make informed decisions about organic products.

Certification serves as a vital aspect of our commitment to traceability and security. By obtaining certification, we ensure that every step of our production process adheres to strict discipline and control. Accredited organizations such as ETKO, ECOCERT, COSMEBIO, IMO, ICEA play a crucial role in granting approval for organic production, guaranteeing the integrity of our products.

Nature provides us with a vast array of ingredients, enabling us to create a rich variety of effective products that prioritize both environmental well-being and the balance of your body. All the raw materials used as ingredients in our certified organic products undergo approval by the certification body.

To ensure your safety and well-being, any raw materials that may pose a threat to human health have been identified and are strictly prohibited from use. This stringent approach guarantees that only the finest, most beneficial ingredients find their way into our organic formulations.

The use of animal derivatives or conducting tests on animals is strictly prohibited in certified organic cosmetics. Only ingredients derived from animals that do not harm their well-being, such as honey, milk, etc., are allowed in compliance with legal regulations. We are committed to ensuring that our certified organic products are cruelty-free and respectful towards animal welfare.

The use of nano particles and production involving nano technology is prohibited in organic cosmetics. Nano particles, which are close in size to DNA, are not recognized by cells, and therefore, they cannot undergo a natural process within the body. We strictly adhere to this regulation to ensure that our organic cosmetics remain free from nano particles and prioritize the well-being of our customers.

Certified organic farming is a sustainable and essential production method that respects biological diversity and natural equilibrium. By consuming certified organic products, you actively support agricultural practices that promote the restoration of water, soil, and air quality, as well as the reduction of petrochemical production. Additionally, purchasing organic personal care products contributes to the support of organic farming as a whole.

By supporting organic farming, you also contribute to the generation of other organic outputs within the same process. For example, when you choose organic products containing organic olive leaf extract, you also support the production of organic olives and olive oil. This holistic approach enables the rebuilding of various chains, such as organic food and organic textiles.

Consuming organic products is not only a personal investment in your own health but also a contribution to a global transformation and a sustainable future for our children. Organic processes serve as a reminder that as we embrace evolving science and technology, it is crucial to ensure their compatibility with Mother Nature.

Choosing certified organic products is a conscious decision to align ourselves with nature and make a healthy investment in to the future

Vegan certification guarantees that the produced products do not contain any animal-derived ingredients. This means that ingredients such as honey, milk, beeswax, keratin, propolis, and others are not used in the manufacturing process. By obtaining vegan certification, we assure our customers that our products are entirely free from any animal components, aligning with the principles of veganism and catering to the needs of individuals seeking vegan-friendly options.